Lake Bogoria National Reserve. Wikipedia
Lake Bogoria National Reserve. Wikipedia

Lake Bogoria National Reserve

Declared a protected and considered a wetland of international importance area in the declaration of Ramsar is home of thousands of flamingos.

Water human management, cause the oscillating of the water levels and the number of birds in the lake.

The presence of rocky and barren shores, the rolling green waves because of moss, hot springs and geysers, make it an inhospitable place, that it would still be home and shelter for a variety of birds .

The lack of vegetation around the lake allows the observation of greater kudu, being one of the best places in Kenya for observation.

The small wooded area at the southern end of the lake, is the habitat of leopards, gazelles and buffalo.

Why should you visit it?

  • Bird watching
  • Walking
  • Thermal springs

When should you go?

  • All the year around